資優夏令營2022 (Gifted Leadership & Scouting Skills Summer Camp)

Gifted Leadership & Scouting Skills Summer Camp 2022

We may have often heard of “What makes a great leader?”.
Well, ones may have different interpretations. To me, it may refer to
• A role model. “Someone that acts as a role model to his fellow schoolmates, partners or colleagues”
• A good person. “Someone who listens to others and can also listen to their own heart.”
• A servant leader.
• A good observer.
• A humble person.

Regarding Scouting skills, practising and mastering of such may create a special community with a distinct code of conduct that re-orders the priorities of the everyday world.

Having involved in this Gifted Summer Camp 2022 requires an unusual combination of self-reliance and cooperation, a level of awareness of one’s self, of others, and of the natural world no other endeavour replicates.

Did the students enjoy it ? The pictures and video clip tell 😀

Presented & organized by :
Hong Kong Gifted Education Teachers’ Association & KPG Education Limited


